
Format Paragraphs in PowerPoint

Paragraphs can be formatted in PowerPoint (like Microsoft Word). And it is easy to do! Simply place the cursor somewhere inside a paragraph and click on one of the three paragraph formatting buttons on the toolbar. Your text will chip in its place!

If you can not find these buttons format, this toolbar that can be hidden from you. To "show" the formatting toolbar, scroll to the menu bar and click [View - Toolbars]. Make sure there is a check next to "format".

You can align paragraphs to the left, center, right or by clicking the appropriate button. However, if you want to make your text justified (ie, directly on the edges left and right), will need to go to the menu bar and click [Format - Alignment - Justify]

Another paragraph option may want to change are the bullets and numbering. Most staff have already installed the bullets, so that when you start typing, it automatically appears a bullet. You can activate and deactivate these bullets by clicking the bullet "on the toolbar. We can turn the bullets, but there are many options you can tweak bullet. We'll talk about these options in the next lesson ...

You can find more useful PowerPoint tips-and-tricks like this one at - they even have an online-video course that teaches you to use PowerPoint in only a few hours!

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