Powerpoint 2007 layout
Powerpoint 2007 have layout like below :Function of each of the components above, namely:
* Microsoft office button: the button that contains the menus associated with the execution of Fila presentation, such as: open the Fila / Open, save the file / Save, and others
* Tittle bar: powerpoint file name that we are open, or we make now.
When you first open the application powerpoint, tittle bar will automatically give the name of the presentation / file name as our presentation 1
When you first open the application powerpoint, tittle bar will automatically give the name of the presentation / file name as our presentation 1
* Slide Pane: Displays the slide-slide has been created
* Place holder: As a place where we can enter text in it
* Slide number: contains information that is on the slide and the total number of slides created
* Zoom slider: Works to zoom in or out of the slide show
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