What is PowerPoint?
Basically, PowerPoint is a software package that lets you create professional multimedia presentations. Unlike traditional formats (such as slide projectors),PowerPoint has many advantages:
* Many display options:
You can see his presentation in different places ... on a computer monitor, LCD projector, and can even export your show on the web.
* Printing:
You can print copies of the slides and give your audience. This is ideal for teachers and educators, and students like it because they do not have to take as many notes.
* Quick Update: You can update and repair their presentation at a moment notice (even minutes before its presentation in vivo). No need to run to Kinko's for new (and expensive) prepared slides
You can find more useful PowerPoint tips-and-tricks like this one at www.mightycoach.com - they even have an online-video course that teaches you to use PowerPoint in only a few hours!
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